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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: Nutrient cycling in riverbed sediment in the Maumee River Basin, 2019 Data


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Kreiling, R.M., Bartsch, L.A., Perner, P.M., and Breckner, K.J., 2022, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: Nutrient cycling in riverbed sediment in the Maumee River Basin, 2019 and 2021 Data (ver. 2.0, March 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Maumee River transports huge loads of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to Lake Erie. The increased concentrations of N and P are causing eutrophication of the lake, creating hypoxic zones, and contributing to phytoplankton blooms. It is hypothesized that the P loads are a major contributor to harmful algal blooms that occur in the western basin of Lake Erie, particularly in summer. The Maumee River has been identified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a priority watershed where action needs to be taken to reduce nutrient loads. This study quantified rates of biogeochemical processes affecting downstream flux of N and P by 1) measuring indices of potential sediment P retention and 2) measuring nitrification [...]


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2019_USGS_Maumee_Data.csv 40.29 KB text/csv
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2019_USGS_Maumee_Reach_Substrate_Data.csv 5.11 KB text/csv


These files contain descriptions for 80 sites visited during the summer of 2019 as part of the Maumee River Basin study that characterized zones of high potential sediment nutrient cycling. Included in the data files are variables cataloging site information, water column variables, and sediment variables. Data from these sites in combination with land use information will be used to model the drivers of sediment nutrient dynamics in the basin.



  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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