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Integrating Multiple Data Sets to Inform Climate Adaptation Strategies for Inland Fish and Recreational Fishing

Original Title: Integrating multiple data sources to develop climate adaptation strategies for inland fish and recreational fishing
Principal Investigator
Craig Paukert


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Climate change is reshaping the abundance and distribution of sport fishes across the U.S., creating novel challenges for socially and economically important recreational fisheries. Existing fish and recreational fisheries data sets are invaluable given their broad geographic footprint and long-term data, but integration across datasets to inform management has been limited, leading to obstacles in collaborative research and management efforts. Agencies that manage recreational fisheries also conduct angler surveys to assess how anglers may affect fish populations, however they are rarely integrated with other datasets or with consideration of how climate change may affect the fish available to anglers. In this project, researchers [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Craig Paukert
Co-Investigator :
Lyndsie Wszola
Funding Agency :
National CASC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Eastern Brook Trout; Credit: USFWS”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Eastern Brook Trout; Credit: USFWS
Eastern Brook Trout; Credit: USFWS


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers



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