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Final Report: Influences of Changes in Discharge and Stream Temperature on the Persistence Across a sub-set of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Populations


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Colleen A Caldwell, Brock M Huntsman, Abigail J Lynch, Lauren M Flynn, and Fitsum Abadi, 2023-01-31, Final Report: Influences of Changes in Discharge and Stream Temperature on the Persistence Across a sub-set of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Populations.


We studied the impacts of drought and invasive trout on survival and productivity on Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis, RGCT) populations. Rio Grande cutthroat trout is the southernmost subspecies of cutthroat trout and endemic to the Rio Grande, Canadian, and Pecos River basins of Colorado and New Mexico. The subspecies is reduced to less than 11% of its historic range with most populations occupying isolated high elevation headwater streams. One of the greatest threats to its survival is the effect that low stream flow due to drought will have on this coldwater trout living at the edge of its range. Our work will provide insight into the current and future threats of RGCT populations under environmental [...]


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  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers




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