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Point Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Seaweed Distribution and Abundance in Bays Adjacent to the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska


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Ward, D.H., 2021, Point sampling data for eelgrass (Zostera marina) and seaweed distribution and abundance in bays adjacent to the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (ver 4.0, June 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data package is comprised of eight tables relating to surveys of eelgrass beds in Izembek and Kinzarof Lagoons, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. The tables provide environmental conditions, eelgrass abundance, distribution, and measurements used to estimate overall biomass. Version History: First release:October 2021 Revised: March 2023 (ver. 2.0) Revised: April 2023 (ver. 3.0) Revised: May 2023 (ver. 3.1) Revised: June 2024 (ver. 4.0)


Point of Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Originator :
David H Ward
Metadata Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Publisher :
Alaska Science Center
Distributor :
USGS ScienceBase Team
SDC Data Owner :
Alaska Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

eelgrass_biomass_estimates.csv 1.13 KB text/csv
eelgrass_calibrationQuadratEstimates_izembek_ward.csv 32.02 KB text/csv
eelgrass_calibrationQuadratShoots_izembek_ward.csv 193.31 KB text/csv
eelgrass_monthlyPlantMeans_izembek_ward.csv 99.94 KB text/csv
eelgrass_monthlyPlantMeasures_izembek_ward.csv 871 KB text/csv
eelgrass_pointCountData_izembek_ward.csv 1.43 MB text/csv
eelgrass_pointPlantMeasures_izembek_ward.csv 217.37 KB text/csv
eelgrass_samplingLocations_izembek_ward.csv 79.15 KB text/csv
versionHistory.txt 2.4 KB text/plain
eelgrass_survey_izembek_ward_metadata.html 270.18 KB text/html


Coastal waters along the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge contain extensive beds of eelgrass, but the status and trends of this seagrass are unknown. These data were collected to provide point-sampling survey to determine eelgrass (Zostera marina) and seaweed abundance, distribution, and ground-truthing data for an effort to classify and map the spatial extent of eelgrass and other substrates.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ZUDIOH

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