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Island of Hawaii bird, mosquito, and avian malaria infection data 2001-2004


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McClure, K.M., Camp, R.J., LaPointe, D.A., Hart, P., Woodworth, B.L., Berio Fortini, L., 2023, Island of Hawaii bird, mosquito, and avian malaria infection data 2001-2004: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data publication contains data files collected as part of a field, laboratory, and modeling effort aimed at uncovering ecological drivers of avian malaria transmission and impacts on Hawaiian honeycreepers across an elevational gradient on the eastern flank of Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes on Hawaii Island. From 2001-2004, mosquito and bird data were collected at nine sites ranging 25 to 1,800 m above sea level. This data publication includes site and sampling coordinate data, mosquito capture data, mosquito avian malaria infection data, and point-transect distance sampling data. Site coordinate data consists of GPS spatial location data of sampling points where mosquitoes were captured and birds were surveyed to estimate abundance, [...]


Attached Files

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BiocomplexityDR Checking mosquito trap_LAW.jpg
“USGS volunteer collecting mosquitoes from a gravid trap (Photo:USGS).”
thumbnail 428.04 KB image/jpeg
Biocomplexity_sampling station spatial coordinates.csv 18.5 KB text/csv
Biocomplexity_mosquito capture data.csv 2.66 MB text/csv
Biocomplexity_mosquito avian malaria infection and parity data.csv 609.76 KB text/csv
Biocomplexity_bird count data.csv 2.36 MB text/csv


These data were collected as part of a National Science Foundation Biocomplexity grant entitled the "Biocomplexity of Introduced Avian Diseases in Hawaii: Threats to Biodiversity of Native Forest Ecosystems". This work aimed to characterize mosquito-borne avian disease transmission and impacts on native Hawaiian birds using field-collected bird, mosquito, and mosquito-borne avian disease data.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P95LVJIC

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