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Station mt03, Magnetotelluric sounding data across the Idaho Batholith, Payette National Forest, Idaho, 1989


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Brown, P.B., and Rodriguez, B.D., 2023, Magnetotelluric sounding data across the Idaho Batholith, Payette National Forest, Idaho, 1989: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset includes the magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data collected in 1989 across the Idaho Batholith, Payette National Forest, Idaho, by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The primary focus is on geologic elements that relate to the Late Cretaceous Idaho batholith geometry and the development of the Yellow Pine mining district and Stibnite mining area. Twenty MT soundings along one 110-km long profile were acquired during the time period of July 19-27, 1989. This study was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey's Mineral Resources Program in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service.


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

EAMP_1.bin 768 Bytes application/octet-stream
EAMP_2.bin 768 Bytes application/octet-stream
mc03.edi 23.25 KB text/plain
mc03_log.jpg thumbnail 307.26 KB image/jpeg
MC03HA.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03HA.EDI 14.4 KB text/plain
MC03HA.txt 5.14 KB text/plain
MC03HA_TS.bin 6 KB application/octet-stream
MC03HA_TS.txt 13.49 KB text/plain
MC03HB.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03HB.EDI 14.4 KB text/plain
MC03HB.txt 5.15 KB text/plain
MC03HC.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03HC.EDI 14.4 KB text/plain
MC03HC.txt 5.15 KB text/plain
MC03LA.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LA.EDI 14.37 KB text/plain
MC03LA.txt 4.83 KB text/plain
MC03LA_TS.bin 6 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LA_TS.txt 13.71 KB text/plain
MC03LB.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LB.EDI 14.37 KB text/plain
MC03LB.txt 4.8 KB text/plain
MC03LB_TS.bin 6 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LB_TS.txt 13.78 KB text/plain
MC03LC.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LC.EDI 14.37 KB text/plain
MC03LC.txt 4.77 KB text/plain
MC03LC_TS.bin 6 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LC_TS.txt 13.69 KB text/plain
MC03LD.bin 8.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03LD.EDI 14.37 KB text/plain
MC03LD.txt 11.47 KB text/plain
MC03LD_TS.bin 16 KB application/octet-stream
MC03MA.bin 5.25 KB application/octet-stream
MC03MA.EDI 14.35 KB text/plain
MC03MA.txt 5 KB text/plain
MC03MA_TS.bin 6 KB application/octet-stream
MC03MA_TS.txt 14.05 KB text/plain
“Plots illustrating resistivity, phase, and tipper values for station mt03.”
thumbnail 161.17 KB image/png
MTCOILA.bin 768 Bytes application/octet-stream


The purpose of this data release is to provide MT station locations and data to the public.

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