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Final Report: Increasing the Resilience and Resistance of Climate-Vulnerable Species and Ecosystems (2018-2021)


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Keith Nislow, and Toni L Morelli, 2023-04-10, Final Report: Increasing the Resilience and Resistance of Climate-Vulnerable Species and Ecosystems (2018-2021): .


This Interagency Agreement brings together researchers from the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, and their partners to examine the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, and habitats in the northeastern U.S., focused especially on northern and montane species. As climate change causes substantial effects in the northeastern U.S. region, species and ecosystems there are responding. Agency staff are seeking to maintain populations and enable climate adaptation, but these actions require predictions of how species will respond both to climate change and management action. This research uses the paradigms of translational ecology and knowledge coproduction to bring together scientists and resource managers to improve [...]


Author :
Keith Nislow, Toni L Morelli
Funding Agency :
Northeast CASC

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Nislow Final Report - IA 2018-2021 - Final.pdf 729.48 KB application/pdf


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northeast CASC




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