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LANDFIRE 2022 Vegetation Departure (VDep) HI


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Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools (LANDFIRE), Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Hatten, T.D., 2023, LANDFIRE 2022 (230) Update: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


LANDFIRE’s (LF) 2022 Vegetation Departure (VDep) product categorizes departure between current vegetation condition and reference vegetation condition, according to the methods outlined in the Interagency Fire Regime Condition Class Guidebook (FRCC Guidebook (Hann et al 2010)). VDep differs from the FRCC Guidebook, however, because it is based on the departure of current vegetation condition only, whereas the FRCC Guidebook approach includes departure of current fire regimes for the reference period. For VDep, summary units are defined as a BioPhysical Setting (BpS) with identical reference condition values regardless of map zone. For example, when a BpS is present in map zone 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8, the reference conditions for this [...]


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The LANDFIRE 2022 Update (LF 2022) is designed to produce vegetation, disturbance, and fuels products that inform wildland fire and ecological decision systems. LF 2022 is another update to the LF 2016 Remap base map and LF 2020, it includes adjustments to vegetation and fuels in disturbed areas for disturbances recorded in 2021 and 2022. Disturbances in 2022 represent the first full fiscal year of disturbance. Transition rulesets for vegetation account for disturbances from 2017 to 2022 while fuel updates utilize 2012 to 2022 disturbances. In LF 2022 Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) Ecological Systems classifications are the same as LF 2020, except in areas where agriculture or urban areas have changed. LF 2022 contains the first application of the “zero to one” Time Since Disturbance (TSD) rules for EVC and EVH transition rules. Both LF Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) and Height (EVH), as well as all fuels products, are 2023 capable in disturbed areas. LF 2022 products are designed to facilitate national and regional level strategic fire and resource management planning and reporting of management activities. The principal purposes of the products include providing, 1) national level, landscape scale geospatial products to support fire and fuels management planning, and 2) consistent fuels products to support fire planning, analysis, and budgeting to evaluate fire management alternatives. Products are created at a 30-meter raster; however, the applicability of products varies by location and specific use. LF products were designed to support 1) national (all states) strategic planning, 2) regional (single large states or groups of smaller states), and 3) strategic/tactical planning for large sub regional landscapes and Fire Management Units (FMUs) (such as significant portions of states or multiple federal administrative entities). The applicability of LF products to support fire and land management planning on smaller areas will vary by product, location, and specific use. Managers and planners must evaluate LF products according to the scale and requirements specific to their needs.

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