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Assessing the impact of climate change on habitat for at-risk amphibians in the Pacific Northwest: which species are suitable for species distribution modeling?

Preliminary Findings


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Sky Button, and Jonah Povia-Scott, 2023, Assessing the impact of climate change on habitat for at-risk amphibians in the Pacific Northwest: which species are suitable for species distribution modeling?


The Pacific Northwest is a hotspot for temperate amphibian biodiversity and is home to many species of salamanders and frogs found nowhere else on earth. Changing climatic conditions threaten habitat for many of these species, primarily through increased air and water temperature and the drying of habitats. Among the most commonly used tools for evaluating the potential impacts of climate change on habitat suitability are species distribution models (SDMs). This approach develops models that describe suitable habitat for a focal species (or set of species) based on relationships between environmental variables and contemporary species occurrences. These models can then be used to predict changes in the availability of suitable habitat [...]


Author :
Sky Button, Jonah Povia-Scott
Funding Agency :
Northwest CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northwest CASC




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