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Shrub Control to Restore a Coastal Prairie Ecosystem

A Case Study on Restoration


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Carter, J.B. (2023). “Coastal Prairie Recovery in Response to Shrub Encroachment.” CART. Retrieved from


The coastal prairie in Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge-Bahia Grande Unit in South Texas protects inland areas from storm surges and erosion while also serving as habitat for grassland-dependent species, such as the federally Endangered northern aplomado falcon (Falco femoralis septentrionalis). Past research indicates that each falcon breeding pair requires at least two thousand acres of open prairie with low woody plant densities to establish and occupy a territory. Records from the early 1900s indicate the Bahia Grande Unit was once an expansive coastal prairie and home to a healthy northern aplomado falcon population. However, historic land management practices, such as overgrazing and fire suppression, have resulted [...]


Author :
Jack Carter
Funding Agency :
South Central CASC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC


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