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SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project


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SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project is a project within the AMMonitor community, which features projects that monitor wildlife and ecosystems with remotely deployed monitoring devices. Devices that capture media typically include trail cameras (photos, video) and/or autonomous recording units (audio). As with all AMMonitor projects, SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project utilizes an AMMonitor SQLite database to track wildlife monitoring data in a standardized format, permitting cross-project collaboration. The monitoring data are released to the public in "volumes". Releases include the raw media files and their metadata, including the date, time, and location of media capture. Additional attachments at the volume level include human- and machine-labeled [...]

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The SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project uses the SiMPL magnet camera trap design for monitoring climate, birds, and mammals (with a focus on small mammals) to evaluate the impacts of ecological forestry practices on wildlife species. Established in 2016, it includes sites in 3 regions in central New England and 1 region in northern Minnesota.

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