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Data Associated with a Multi-Stage Captive Trial Assessing the Effects of Saxitoxin Ingestion by Common Murres (Uria aalge)


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Smith, M.M., 2024. Data associated with a multi-stage captive trial assessing the effects of saxitoxin ingestion by Common Murres (Uria aalge): U.S. Geological Survey Data Release,


This data set is comprised of results associated with a multi-stage experimental study to determine the effects of paralytic shellfish toxin ingestion by Common Murres (Uria aalge) conducted in 2021-2022. Data is comprised of eight spreadsheets covering each phase of the study including specific bird dosing data, behavioral observation data, foraging trial data, and tissue testing results for Saxitoxin (STX) and related congeners.


Point of Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Originator :
Matthew M Smith
Metadata Contact :
Alaska Science Center
Publisher :
Alaska Science Center
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Alaska Science Center
USGS Mission Area :

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

COMU_activityBaseline_observations.csv 809.87 KB text/csv
COMU_Chronic_fishConsumption.csv 2.97 KB text/csv
COMU_Chronic_scaleSessions.csv 15.6 KB text/csv
COMU_ED50_dosing.csv 1.69 KB text/csv
COMU_ED50_passiveBehavior_notes.csv 13.88 KB text/csv
COMU_ED50_passiveBehavior_observations.csv 148.82 KB text/csv
COMU_HPLC_ELISA_results.csv 6.45 KB text/csv
captiveCOMU_saxitoxinIngestion_metadata.html 251.82 KB text/html
Original FGDC Metadata

106.04 KB application/fgdc+xml


These data provide the basis to 1) identify ecologically relevant thresholds of STX exposure on Common Murres, 2) examine the concentrations and distribution of STXs in seabird tissues, 3) evaluate the behavioral responses of murres to STX ingestion, and 4) evaluate the effects of chronic, longer term ingestions of lower levels of STX ingestion by murres.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P1RF9YBB

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