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Current and projected sagebrush ecological integrity across the Western U.S., 2017-2100


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Holdrege, M.C., Schlaepfer, D.R., Palmquist, K.A., Theobald, D.M., and Bradford, J.B., 2024, Current and projected sagebrush ecological integrity across the Western U.S., 2017-2100: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Understanding how climate change will contribute to ongoing declines in sagebrush ecological integrity is critical for informing natural resource management. We assessed potential future changes in sagebrush ecological integrity under a range of scenarios using an individual plant-based simulation model, integrated with remotely sensed estimates of current sagebrush ecological integrity. The simulation model allowed us to estimate how climate change, wildfire, and invasive annuals interact to alter the potential abundance of key plant functional types that influence sagebrush ecological integrity: sagebrush, perennial grasses, and annual grasses. We provide GeoTIFFs of biome-wide projections of future sagebrush ecological integrity [...]


Attached Files

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c9_Default_RCP45_2031-2060.tif 35.33 MB image/tiff
c9_Default_RCP45_2071-2100.tif 35.36 MB image/tiff
c9_Default_RCP85_2031-2060.tif 35.32 MB image/tiff
c9_Default_RCP85_2071-2100.tif 35.18 MB image/tiff
Matching_Quality.tif 448.68 MB image/tiff
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Q_CO2Fert_RCP45_2031-2060.tif 707.31 MB image/tiff
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This dataset provides information about how sagebrush ecological integrity may change based on future climatic suitability in an area. Therefore, if an area is projected to have high sagebrush ecological integrity in the future, that does not necessarily mean it will (e.g., that location could experience a non-climate related disturbance that degrades the habitat), instead it means that our modelling suggests that the future climate will likely be suitable to sustain high sagebrush ecological integrity in the future in that area. Additionally, by providing projections of Q (‘quality’) scores of sagebrush, perennials, and annuals this dataset also provides information about which vegetation components are responsible for the projected changes in sagebrush ecological integrity. By providing information on potential climate change impacts this dataset, along with other datasets, local knowledge, and expertise, could be used for informing RAD (i.e., resist, accept, or direct ecological change) land management decisions.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P13RXYZJ

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