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Groundwater elevation data and model in and around the Elk Hills and North Coles Levee Oil Fields


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Stephens, M.J., Chang, W., Gillespie, J.M., McMahon, P.B., Davis, T.A., and Warden, J.G., 2023, Groundwater elevation data and models in and around select California oil fields (ver. 2.0, May 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release Child Item contains groundwater elevation data and the associated model/code used to create groundwater elevation surfaces in and around the Elk Hills and North Coles Levee Oil Fields. The data and model provided here are part of an interpretative manuscript by Warden and others (2024). The data compiled and analyzed here are part of the California State Water Resources Control Board Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program and the U.S. Geological Survey California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program.


Point of Contact :
Matthew K Landon
Originator :
Michael J Stephens, Will Chang, Janice M. Gillespie, John G Warden
Metadata Contact :
Michael J Stephens
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
GS ScienceBase

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

EH-NCL idle wells comparison.csv 1.07 MB text/csv
EH-NCL idle wells.csv 874.8 KB text/csv
EH-NCL water levels.csv 1.25 MB text/csv
EH-NCL-water-levels.ipynb 36.47 KB text/plain
modelgeoref.txt 210 Bytes text/plain
readme.txt 3.52 KB text/plain
Groundwater elevation data and model in and around the Elk Hills and North Coles Levee Oil Fields.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

32.3 KB application/fgdc+xml
Animation_S2.mp4 9.69 MB video/mp4
Animation_S1.mp4 9.99 MB video/mp4


These data were collected and compiled to model the groundwater table elevation in and around the Elk Hills and North Coles Levee Oil Fields.

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