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Data release associated with research that describes how major flooding and dam operations in the upper Mississippi River contribute to large upstream migrations of native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded carp


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Fritts, M., Gibson-Reinemer, D.K., Appel, D.S., Lieder, K., Henderson, C., Milde, A.S., Brey, M.K., Lamer, J., Turney, D., Witzel, Z., Szott, E., Loppnow, G., Stiras, J., Zankle, K., Oliver, D., Hoxmeier, J., and Fritts, A.K., 2024, Data release associated with research that describes how major flooding and dam operations in the Upper Mississippi River contribute to large upstream migrations of native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded carp: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Recent research has attributed major flood events with the upstream spread of invasive carp in the Mississippi River. In two sequential years, the upper Mississippi River experienced a low water year with very minimal flooding in 2022 and a very high water year with extreme and sustained flooding in the spring of 2023. This data release contains hydrologic data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at upper Mississippi River navigation locks 4-18 to classify when each dam experienced open river conditions and was no longer preventing upstream movements of fishes. To attribute biological movements around these open river conditions, we used acoustic telemetry data to track native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded carps. The telemetry [...]


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all_vemco_range_test_data.csv 3.95 MB text/csv
carp_ld_15_data.csv 603.76 KB text/csv
carp_v_paddlefish_distance_traveled_summary_table_1.csv 5.11 KB text/csv
hydraulic_head_data.csv 165.67 KB text/csv
ld_15_hydr_head_temp.csv 22.09 KB text/csv
paddlefish_ld_15_data.csv 143.02 KB text/csv
passage_data.csv 69.68 KB text/csv
UMR Rapid Migration 2022-2023 Data Release.xml
Original FGDC Metadata

85.56 KB application/fgdc+xml


The data were collected as part of a broader study to track native and invasive fishes in the upper Mississippi River. The data were subset to only include the native paddlefish and the invasive bigheaded carp, as they are both known to have impressive migration patterns. The comparison between two very different hydrologic years came after there were confirmed increases in invasive bigheaded carp abundance in the upstream pools following the major 2023 flood, but similar reports did not occur in 2022. These data show how hydraulic head is very important at each dam in facilitating or impeding upstream movements of both groups of fish. These data also show how open river conditions allow rapid expansion of migratory fish populations and might assist river managers to understand the spread of invasive bigheaded carp.


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  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P14GQIVU

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