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BEWARE2 database: A meta-process model to assess wave-driven flooding hazards on morphologically diverse, coral reef-lined coasts


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McCall, R.T., Storlazzi, C.D., Roelvink, F.E., Pearson, S.G., de Goede, R., and Antolinez, J., 2024, BEWARE2 database: A meta-process model to assess wave-driven flooding hazards on morphologically diverse, coral reef-lined coasts: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains the reef profiles and resulting hydrodynamic outputs of the "Broad-range Estimator of Wave Attack in Reef Environments" (BEWARE-2) meta-process modeling system. A process-based, wave-resolving hydrodynamic model (XBeach Non-Hydrostatic+, "XBNH+") was used to create a large synthetic database for use in BEWARE-2, relating incident hydrodynamics and coral reef geomorphology to coastal flooding hazards on reef-lined coasts. Building on previous work, BEWARE-2 improves system understanding of reef hydrodynamics by examining the intrinsic reef and extrinsic forcing factors controlling runup and flooding on reef-lined coasts. We developed this meta-process model using a training dataset of hydrodynamics and wave runup [...]


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Low-lying tropical coasts fronted by coral reefs are threatened by the effects of climate change, sea-level rise, and flooding caused by waves. However, the reefs on these coasts differ widely in their shape, size, and physical characteristics; the wave and water level conditions affecting these coastlines also vary in space and time. These factors make it difficult to predict flooding caused by waves along coral reef-lined coasts. We created a system ("BEWARE-2") that estimates how combinations of different wave, water level, and reef morphologies can lead to coastal flooding. This tool tells us what information is needed to make good predictions of flooding. BEWARE-2 can be used to make short-term predictions of flooding in early warning systems, or long-term predictions of how climate change will affect wave-driven flooding on coral reef-lined coasts.


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Type Scheme Key
DOI doi:10.5066/P16VX5EP
USGS_ScienceCenter Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
USGS_MissionArea Natural Hazards
USGS_keywords Geography, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Hydrology, Marine Geology

NetCDF OPeNDAP Service Extension

dateUploadedWed Sep 18 14:07:47 MDT 2024
summary[_NCProperties = "version=2,netcdf=4.8.1,hdf5=1.10.8", name = "BEWARE-2 database", description = "BEWARE-2 database of wave runup estimates for varying oceanic forcing conditions and representative reef profiles (RRPs), including runup modification factors for relatively smooth or rough reefs, and mild or steep beach slopes", background = "", authors = "Robert McCall, Curt Storlazzi, Floortje Roelvink, Stuart Pearson, Roel de Goede, and José Antolínez", publisher = "U.S. Geological Survey", useConstraints = "USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge Deltares, the U.S. Geological Survey, and TU Delft as the originators of the dataset and in products derived from these data", disclaimer = "Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government"]
units_Netcdf4Coordinates = 0
long_namedescription = "Cross-shore position of RRP elevation profiles. Zero value corresponds to the mean sea level position of the reef profile and values increase in offshore direction"
units_Netcdf4Coordinates = 2, 1
long_namedescription = "Representative Reef Profile (RRP) identification name"
unitsdescription = "Cross-shore varying elevation profiles of Representative Reef Profiles (RRPs) above mean sea level. No profile data are available below MSL - 30 m"
long_nameunits = "m + MSL"
units_Netcdf4Coordinates = 3
long_namedescription = "Oceanic forcing condition: offshore significant wave height"
units_Netcdf4Coordinates = 3
long_namedescription = "Oceanic forcing condition: offshore peak wave period"
unitsdescription = "Oceanic forcing condition: offshore still water level above mean sea level"
long_nameunits = "m + MSL"
unitsdescription = "Assumed bed friction value of smoother or rougher coral reefs. Default reef roughness has cf = 0.05"
long_nameunits = "-"
unitsdescription = "Assumed beach slope of milder or steeper beach profiles. Default beach slope has bs = 0.10"
long_nameunits = "-"
unitsdescription = "Estimated two percent wave runup above oceanic still water level (SWL) for default reef roughness and beach slope, for all RRPs and oceanic forcing conditions. Each RRP-oceanic forcing condition combination has 1–5 individual runup estimates. Where fewer than 5 runup estimates are available, datapoints are set with the FillValue"
long_nameunits = "m"
unitsdescription = "Runup modification factor for smoother or rougher coral reefs (CfMod), for all RRPs and oceanic forcing conditions"
long_nameunits = "-"
unitsdescription = "Runup modification factor for milder or steeper beach profiles (BsMod), for all RRPs and oceanic forcing conditions"
long_nameunits = "-"

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