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Biological Soil Crusts


In more arid regions, vegetative cover is generally sparse. Open spaces are usually covered by biological soil crusts, a highly specialized community of cyanobacteria, mosses, and lichens (Figure 1). Biological soil crusts are commonly found in semiarid and arid environments throughout the world. Areas in the United States where crusts are a prominent feature of the landscape include the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, Sonoran Desert, and the inner Columbia Basin. Crusts are also found in agricultural areas, native prairies, and Alaska (Figure 2). Outside the United States, crusts have been studied in the Antarctic, Australia, and Israel, among other locations. In fact, microbiotic crusts have been found on all continents and in most [...]

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U.S. Geological Survey

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  • Upper Colorado River Basin




<p> Found while data mining for the UCRB project.</p>

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