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Decomposition of leaf litter from a native tree and an actinorhizal invasive across riparian habitats


Harner, Mary J, Crenshaw, Chelsea L, Abelho, Manuela, Stursova, Martina, Follstad-Shah, Jennifer J, and Sinsabaugh, Robert L, Decomposition of leaf litter from a native tree and an actinorhizal invasive across riparian habitats: .


Dynamics of nutrient exchange between floodplains and rivers have been altered by changes in flow management and proliferation of nonnative plants. We tested the hypothesis that the nonnative, actinorhizal tree, Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), alters dynamics of leaf litter decomposition compared to native cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni) along the Rio Grande, a river with a modified flow regime, in central New Mexico (U.S.A.). Leaf litter was placed in the river channel and the surface and subsurface horizons of forest soil at seven riparian sites that differed in their hydrologic connection to the river. All sites had a cottonwood canopy with a Russian olive-dominated understory. Mass loss rates, nutrient content, [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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