The Earthquake Studies Office (ESO) of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology opened in June, 1980 to operate the Montana Regional Seismograph Network. The office collects and analyzes seismic data and reports earthquake information. The ESO also collects and stores seismograms recorded in Montana by other groups and agencies. Prior to 1989, the only method used to collect earthquake data was paper seismograms recorded on drum recorders using pen and ink, or heat pen and heat-sensitive paper. Thus, paper seismograms recorded before 1989 are original (and irreplaceable) records. Beginning August 1989, a triggered digital recording system was implemented that captured data for larger events but did not provide continuous digital recording. From August 1999 through July 2000, paper seismograms were the only source of continuous seismic data for the Montana Regional Seismic Network.
Improvements needed for this collection include: 1. Scan the analog hard copy records and make them available in an electronic format via the ESO website. 2. Store all hard copy seismic records in an MBMG offsite, climate controlled, secured storage facility.