This project is an ongoing cooperative project to restore 6,300 feet of Battle Creek and replace two irrigation structures which currently block seasonal fish migration. This joint project will improve native Colorado Cutthroat fish habitat, improve thermal and low flow habitat, and reduce bank erosion. Restoration will include narrowing the channel to accommodate for 590 cfs bankfull flows; excavating pools and installing fish-hook vane structures to improve low flow trout habitat; and re-establishing riparian vegetation to prevent further erosion. At a minimum, the project will include the following: installing 10 fish-hook vanes, excavating 12 pools, installing bank full benches to narrow the channel, installing willow clumps, installing rock sills for grade control and pool maintenance, and constructing two rock weirs for fish passage. This lower portion of Battle Creek will have complete passage for fish once completed, providing fish access to forest property. In 2002, 3,600 feet of channel work was completed including the replacement of two irrigation diversions that provide irrigation water and pass fish at all flow levels.