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Projecting Future Impacts to River Systems and Large River Fish: Missouri River Sturgeon Example

Characterizing Uncertainty in the Impact of Global Climate Change on Large River Fishes: Missouri River Sturgeon Example


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In collaboration with the University of Missouri and Iowa State University, this project advanced efforts to understand and accommodate uncertainty by applying to Missouri River sturgeon population dynamics the tools of multi-scale climate models and hierarchical Bayesian modeling frameworks, linking models for system components together by formal rules of probability. While a complete climate prediction may be intractable at this time -- for instance, the climate projections may not incorporate land use changes and solar fluctuations into the boundary conditions -- we proposed a framework to quantify known uncertainty that is also flexible enough to adapt to advances in climate predictions. A key advantage of the hierarchical approach [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Mark L Wildhaber
Co-Investigator :
Christopher K. Wikle, Chistopher J. Anderson
Funding Agency :
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“A sub-adult Pallid Sturgeon - Credit: Katie Steiger-Meister, USFWS”
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