This layer contains data describing thermal springs in Montana, obtained by the AASG for the Geothermal Data Project. The data table includes general information on the location of the spring, location uncertainty and remarks. Citations are included in the dataset.
The ThermalSpringURI for a particular feature is the cross-referencing link (foreign key) used to associate the spring with any other web based information. The data is displayed using a temperature gradient color scheme ramping from green (cool) to red (hot). Layer files containing the symbology for these d
This layer contains data describing thermal springs in Montana, obtained by the AASG for the Geothermal Data Project. The data table includes general information on the location of the spring, location uncertainty and remarks. Citations are included in the dataset.
The ThermalSpringURI for a particular feature is the cross-referencing link (foreign key) used to associate the spring with any other web based information. The data is displayed using a temperature gradient color scheme ramping from green (cool) to red (hot). Layer files containing the symbology for these data layers can be found in the USGIN repository at The original data and metadata can be viewed or downloaded from the USGIN Repository at