Characterizing Groundwater Flow and Chemical Transport in Fractured Rock From Meters to Kilometers: The objectives of my research are to develop a conceptual understanding of geologic, geochemical, and biological processes that affect groundwater flow and chemical transport in complex geologic settings, such as fractured rock and karst aquifers, and to test hypotheses under field scale conditions. Because the geologic complexity of fractured rock and karst aquifers can manifest itself differently over increasingly larger physical dimensions, the formulation of hypotheses and the design of field scale experiments are undertaken over physical dimensions that range from meters to kilometers.
Characterizing Groundwater Flow and Chemical Transport in Fractured Rock From Meters to Kilometers: The objectives of my research are to develop a conceptual understanding of geologic, geochemical, and biological processes that affect groundwater flow and chemical transport in complex geologic settings, such as fractured rock and karst aquifers, and to test hypotheses under field scale conditions. Because the geologic complexity of fractured rock and karst aquifers can manifest itself differently over increasingly larger physical dimensions, the formulation of hypotheses and the design of field scale experiments are undertaken over physical dimensions that range from meters to kilometers.