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Geochemistry of Water in Fine Grained Sediments


The energy potential of geothermal waters from geopressured systems is enormous. Geochemical data are necessary for delineating favorable exploration areas, estimating the recoverable geothermal resources from a given reservoir, and identifying potential pollution, waste disposal, and corrosion problems. The project's objectives are to study the chemistry and controls on the chemistry of water in geothermal and other subsurface systems; to provide basic data needed to estimate the geothermal energy and other resources; and to identify potential pollution, waste disposal, and corrosion problems associated with extraction of energy and other resources from these systems.

Child Items (43)


Contact :
Office of the Chief Scientist for Water
Principal Investigator :
Yousif K Kharaka

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Former Project Geochemistry of Water in Fine Grained Sediments.xml 70.34 KB application/xml

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  • USGS National Research Program




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