Researchers downscaled projections of maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation across a large extent east of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Coast. The data is probabilistic in nature, providing flexibility in incorporating climate information into impact assessments. Statistical techniques were used for the downscaling and it retains a reasonable representation of daily extreme events, such as intense precipitation or extreme temperatures. A web-based client is in creation to host and distribute the data.
This project produced:
- Statistically downscaled precipitation, and maximum and minimum temperature at approximately a 0.1° by 0.1° resolution, at daily time scales, for all global climate models that provide the needed daily data to CMIP3 / AR4 model archive (currently about 14 models), for the historical record (the 20c3m simulations; 1960-1999) and three different future scenarios (the b1, a1b, and a2 scenarios) and for two different future time periods (2046-2065 and 2081-2100).
- Produce snow parameters using SNOW-17 over the same spatial and temporal domain as the precipitation and temperature data.
- A web-based resource for downloading relevant data.