Ophiacodon sp., MCZ 2977. Sketch A: Ground transverse section through the first vertebra in the string. Colorado. 1959.
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Ophiacodon sp., MCZ 2977. Sketch A: Ground transverse section through the first vertebra in the string. Unshaded areas represent matrix. Early Permian Vertebrates from the Cutler Formation of the Placerville area, Colorado. 1959. Published as Fig. 10-A, U.S.G.S. Professional paper 503-C. 1965.
Ophiacodon sp., MCZ 2977. Sketch A: Ground transverse section through the first vertebra in the string. Unshaded areas represent matrix. Early Permian Vertebrates from the Cutler Formation of the Placerville area, Colorado. 1959. Published as Fig. 10-A, U.S.G.S. Professional paper 503-C. 1965.
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