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Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plan for Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie


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Fitzgerald, J. A. , Pashley, D. N. , and Pardo, B, 1999, Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plan for Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie: Technical Report, Jefferson City, Missouri: American Bird Conservancy, 1999.


Synopsis: Prior to European settlement, the Northern Mixed-grass Prairie was a mosaic of wetland, grassland and grass-shrub habitats, with riparian and floodplain forests along major drainages. Even today, the physiographic area can be characterized as being one of the largest still relatively intact grassland landscapes that persist in North America. It is the continent’s most important production area for waterfowl and is the heart of the breeding range for some of North America’s rarest species of grassland birds. A comparison of relative abundance estimates among physiographic areas sampled by the North American Breeding Bird Survey indicates that more than 40% of the world’s population of Baird’s Sparrows, 30% of Nelson’s Sharp-tailed [...]


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LCPID SourceID 113

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citationTypeJournal Article
journalTechnical Report, Jefferson City, Missouri: American Bird Conservancy, 1999

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