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Multi-scale effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on lesser prairie-chicken populations in the US souther Great Plains.


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Fuhlendorf, S. D. , Woodward, A.J. , Leslie, D. M., and Shackford, J. S. , 2002, Multi-scale effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on lesser prairie-chicken populations in the US souther Great Plains.: Landscape Ecology 17 (2002): 617-628.


Synopsis: Large-scale patterns of land use and fragmentation have been associated with the decline of many imperiled wildlife populations. Lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) are restricted to the southern Great Plains of North America, and their population and range have declined by > 90% over the past 100 years. Our objective was to examine scale-dependent relationships between landscape structure and change and long-term population trends for lesser prairie-chicken populations in the southern Great Plains. We used a geographic information system (GIS) to quantify landscape composition, pattern and change at multiple scales (extents) for fragmented agricultural landscapes surrounding 10 lesser prairie-chicken leks. [...]


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Type Scheme Key
LCPID SourceID 116

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citationTypeJournal Article
journalLandscape Ecology 17 (2002): 617-628

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