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Workshop Report: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Columbia Plateau, WA


2014-04-02 18:16:40
Last Update
2017-10-31 14:28:56


Julia L. Michalak(Co-Investigator), John C. Withey(Co-Investigator), Joshua J. Lawler(Principal Investigator), Sonia Hall(Co-Investigator), Theresa Nogeire(Co-Investigator), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2014-04-02(creation), 2017-10-31(lastUpdate), Workshop Report: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Columbia Plateau, WA


This report summarizes the results from a climate change adaptation workshop focused on the Columbia Plateau landscape in eastern Washington and parts of Idaho and Oregon. The objective of the workshop was to collaborate with landscape managers to apply results from the Pacific Northwest climate change vulnerability assessment (PNWCCVA) to on-the-ground ecological management objectives. Specifically, we sought to address the following questions: 1) How can model results and datasets be applied to assist with management decisions? 2) How can model results and datasets be made more useful for informing species and landscape management?Report prepared for the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative by Julia L. Michalak, John [...]


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