This imagery was collected and produced for a set of large fires sampled from within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative study area. This imagery and associated metrics was produced using Landsat 5 and 7. This set of imagery and remote sensing metrics have the following file structure: 1. Each sub-folder in the Fires LC Map folder represents an individual fire. 2. Within the zip folder there are 5 raster tiffs. i. XXX_post_refl.tif The at-sensor-reflectance of the postfire landsat scene, named with the PolyID unique identifier for the fire, stored in 8-bit ii. XXX_pre_refl.tif The at-sensor-reflectance of the prefire landsat scene, named with the PolyID unique identifier for the fire, stored in 8-bit [...]
This imagery was collected and produced for a set of large fires sampled from within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative study area.
This imagery and associated metrics was produced using Landsat 5 and 7.
This set of imagery and remote sensing metrics have the following file structure:
1. Each sub-folder in the Fires LC Map folder represents an individual fire.
2. Within the zip folder there are 5 raster tiffs.
i. XXX_post_refl.tif The at-sensor-reflectance of the postfire landsat scene, named with the PolyID unique identifier for the fire, stored in 8-bit
ii. XXX_pre_refl.tif The at-sensor-reflectance of the prefire landsat scene, named with the PolyID unique identifier for the fire, stored in 8-bit
iii. XXX_d.tif The dNBR of the fire, stored in 32-bit
iv. XXX_rd.tif The relative dNBR of the fire, stored in 32-bit
v. XXX_dt.tif The dNBR of the fire classified in to thematic severity classes
2. There are two shapefiles in the zip folder.
i. XXX.shp The MTBS-created perimeter polygon for the fire
ii. XXX_cldshdw.shp An auto-generated cloud shadow mask. This shapefile may be empty, if no clouds obscure the imagery.