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Proportion of Sagebrush Land Cover (50-km scale) in the western US


Publication Date


Steven E. Hanser, 2011, Proportion of Sagebrush Land Cover (50-km scale) in the western US: U.S. Geological Survey.


This map was developed to examine multi-scale spatial relationships between percentage of sagebrush and other response variables of interest. A map of sagebrush in the western United States was used as a base layer for a moving window analysis to calculate the percentage of the area classified as sagebrush within a 50-km search radius.


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allsage_50km.tif 28.51 MB image/geotiff
allsage_50km.tfw 96 Bytes text/plain
allsage_50km.tif.aux.xml 2.35 KB application/xml
Original FGDC Metadata

10.36 KB application/fgdc+xml


Provides 50-km scale proportion of sagebrush land cover for use in examining multi-scale relationships.

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