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New Fork River Periphyton and Bed Sediment Analysis


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The New Fork River, located in the northeastern part of the WLCI study area, drains about 1,200 mi2 of land in southeastern Wyoming. Currently, it is an area of active energy exploration and development, including development of conventional natural-gas wells. This study was conducted to support the Sublette County Conservation District in ascertaining effects on water quality in the New Fork River drainage associated with energy development and pipeline crossings of the river in the PAPA. The Sublette County Conservation District (SCCD) collects macroinvertebrate (aquatic insect) samples at eight sites within the PAPA. For this study, the USGS collected periphyton (algae), bed sediment, pebble count, discharge, and water-quality [...]


Contact :
Michael J Sweat
Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey

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  • Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative



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Information derived from USGS Science for WLCI 2012 Annual Report.

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