The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GLNCC) has convened the Columbia Basin Partner Forum (CBPF) to help facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and partnerships that share landscape conservation challenges in an eco-geographic context. Through a loosely structured process, field-level managers, scientists, and conservation constituents will identify priority conservation information, scientific needs, and implementation opportunities within the scope of the Great Northern LCC Strategic Conservation Framework. The CBPF will also provide a means to engage the partnership network (a more diverse and directly knowledgeable constituency) on specific conservation needs that will inform and support an adaptive management approach to the on the ground application of landscape conservation.
FY2014Objectives: Play a catalytic role by sponsoring and facilitating information sharing and coordination amongst the members of the forum in regards to their on-going efforts (e.g., using common definitions for shared problems, identifying data gaps and research priorities, reducing redundancy among programs). Guide and prioritize a portion of the GLNCC annual project funding to support actions that can glue the Columbia Basin partners programs together by generating synergy that amplifies their benefits. Secure participation of liaisons from the existing fora within the Columbia River Basin that either address single landscape scale stressors, such as the Columbia Basin River Toxics Reduction Task Force; or processes relevant to all of the landscape scale stressors, such as the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP).
FY2015and FY2016 Objectives: Facilitate information sharing and collaboration across partne. Identify existing regional conservation programs and cross-reference them with GNLCC targets and stressors within the Columbia Basin. Develop a list of key indicators of landscape-scale ecological integrity and climate change resiliency in the Basin.