Coates, P.S., Casazza, M.L., Brussee, B.E., Ricca, M.A., Gustafson, K.B., Overton, C.T., Sanchez-Chopitea, E., Kroger, T., Mauch, K., Niell, L., Howe, K., Gardner, S., Espinosa, S., and Delehanty, D.J., 2014, Spatially explicit modeling of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat in Nevada and northeastern California-A decision-support tool for management: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1163, 83 p.,
Coates, P.S., Casazza, M.L., Ricca, M.A., Brussee, B.E., Blomberg, E.J., Gustafson, K.B., Overton, C.T., Davis, D.M., Niell, L.E., Espinosa, S.P., Gardner, S.C., and Delehanty, D.J., 2015, Integrating spatially explicit indices of abundance and habitat quality: an applied example for greater sage‐grouse management (S. Willis, Ed.): Journal of Applied Ecology, v. 53, no. 1, p. 83–95,