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Accumulated Growing Degree Days, Contiguous United States, 1981 - Current Year


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For publications using gridded maps accessed via the USA-NPN Geoserver, formatted as follows: [Author] [Year Published] [Dataset Title] {as of [DOY] (for continuous daily data) | Year(s) [Year(s)] (for annual products) | Date [Date] (for daily products) } for Region [Coordinates]. [Parameterized URL for Data Download] [Data Owner][City/State] Dataset Accessed [Date of Access] at [DOI Link]. Example for Accumulated Growing Degree Days: USA National Phenology Network. 2017. Daily Temperature Accumulations - 32 Base Temp as of 2017-08-02. Region: 49.9375°, -66.4791667° (UR); 24.0625°, -125.0208333° (LL).‑request‑builder?service=wms&layer=gdd:agdd&date=2017‑08‑02&format=image/png&projection=4269&width=1700&height=800&colors=1 . USA-NPN, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Data set accessed 2017-8-2.


The USA National Phenology Network has available a series of gridded products enabling researchers to analyze daily Accumulated Growing Degree Days (AGDD) from 2016 through the current year. Heat accumulation is commonly used as a way of predicting the timing of phenological transitions in plants and animals. Products generated by the USA-NPN begin accumulation on January 1 and use either a 32F or 50F base temperature.


Point of Contact :
USA National Phenology Network
Originator :
USA National Phenology Network
Metadata Contact :
Lee Marsh
Distributor :
USA National Phenology Network
USGS Mission Area :
SDC Data Owner :
National Phenology Network

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These data were created to be used as input into various phenological analyses. However, they could be used for any general purpose requiring Accumulated Growing Degree Days (AGDD) as an input.

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