A Floristic Inventory of Vascular Plant Species on Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Prepared for the Conservation and Environmental Planning Office, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, AK.
Lipkin, Robert, 2001, A Floristic Inventory of Vascular Plant Species on Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Prepared for the Conservation and Environmental Planning Office, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, AK. : The Nature Conservancy and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage: Anchorage, Alaska, 7 plus appendices-7 plus appendices.
In conjunction with a project to establish long-term vegetation monitoring plots, we conducted a survey of the vascular flora of Elmendorf Air Force Base. The main objectives of the survey were to: identify any rare vascular plants on Elmendorf Air Force Base; document additions to the flora of Elmendorf Air Force Base; insure that the vascular flora of the monitoring plots is accurately documented. We documented 301 vascular plant taxa for Elmendorf Air Force Base of which 99 were new to the base and one species was new to South central Alaska. Five rare vascular plant species (Alaska Natural Heritage Program rank S1-S3) were found.
In conjunction with a project to establish long-term vegetation monitoring plots, we conducted a survey of the vascular flora of Elmendorf Air Force Base. The main objectives of the survey were to: identify any rare vascular plants on Elmendorf Air Force Base; document additions to the flora of Elmendorf Air Force Base; insure that the vascular flora of the monitoring plots is accurately documented. We documented 301 vascular plant taxa for Elmendorf Air Force Base of which 99 were new to the base and one species was new to South central Alaska. Five rare vascular plant species (Alaska Natural Heritage Program rank S1-S3) were found.