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Total phosphorus and water flux at a restored hydrologic connection at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in 2013 and 2014


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Carter, G.S., Kowalski, K.P., and Eggleston, M.R., 2019, Total phosphorus and water flux at a restored hydrologic connection at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in 2013 and 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This tabular data set contains estimates of total phosphorus concentration and mass, as well as measurements of water discharge and volume at a diked wetland pool (Pool 2B) that was reconnected to a Lake Erie tributary (Crane Creek) via a water control structure in March 2011. Sampling occurred during 2013 and 2014. In addition, this data set contains evaluations of movement of total phosphorus and water through the reconnecting structure, frequency of changes in flow direction through the reconnecting structure, and dissolved oxygen measurements in the reconnected wetland pool.


Point of Contact :
Kurt P Kowalski
Originator :
Glenn S Carter, Kurt P Kowalski, Michael R Eggleston
Metadata Contact :
Alexandra A Bozimowski
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
SDC Data Owner :
Great Lakes Science Center

Attached Files

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2013_2014DO_switches.csv 1.3 KB text/csv
2013_2014netweeklyTPQ.csv 2.49 KB text/csv
2013TP_Qin_out.csv 4 KB text/csv
2014TP_Qin_out.csv 3.05 KB text/csv
Original FGDC Metadata

33.49 KB application/fgdc+xml


Nearly all of the coastal wetlands of Lake Erie have been drained for agriculture. Those that remain have been separated from their watersheds by earthen dikes. The hydrologic isolation of these wetlands disrupts ecosystem services typical to Great Lakes coastal wetlands, particularly the ability to remove nutrients by intercepting surface runoff and lake water. High-frequency measurements of discharge and turbidity were used to estimate total phosphorus and water flux of a hydrologically reconnected diked wetland pool in the Crane Creek-Lake Erie wetland complex in 2013 and 2014. The data support that there is a reduction of loading and altered timing of delivery of phosphorus to Lake Erie in wetland pools that have reestablished lake hydrology via reconnecting structures.



  • Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC)
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/F71V5C3B

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