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Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Inverted Models; Alaska, 2015


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Kass, M.A., Minsley, B.J., Pastick, N.J., Wylie, B.K., Brown, D.R.N., and Chase, B.F.W., 2018, Fire impacts on permafrost in Alaska: Geophysical and other field data collected in 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Fire can be a significant driver of permafrost change in boreal landscapes, altering the availability of soil carbon and nutrients that have important implications for future climate and ecological succession. However, not all landscapes are equally susceptible to fire-induced change. As fire frequency is expected to increase in the high latitudes, methods to understand the vulnerability and resilience of different landscapes to permafrost degradation are needed. Geophysical and other field observations reveal details of both near-surface (less than 1 m) and deeper (greater than 1 m) impacts of fire on permafrost along 14 transects that span burned-unburned boundaries in different landscape settings within interior Alaska. Downhole [...]


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Original FGDC Metadata

13.53 KB application/fgdc+xml
AK202-Fish-120_model.csv 322 Bytes text/csv
AK203-Hess-A_model.csv 322 Bytes text/csv
AK203-Hess-B_model.csv 310 Bytes text/csv
AK204-Road-99_model.csv 541 Bytes text/csv
AK205-BKW-40_model.csv 508 Bytes text/csv
AK205-BKW-116_model.csv 592 Bytes text/csv
AK206-Dall-29_model.csv 574 Bytes text/csv
AK206-Dall-121_model.csv 433 Bytes text/csv
AK207-Poly-60_model.csv 594 Bytes text/csv
AK208-Foot_model.csv 568 Bytes text/csv
AK209-Tlka-32_model.csv 160 Bytes text/csv
AK211-Andy-25_model.csv 320 Bytes text/csv
AK211-Andy-93_model.csv 320 Bytes text/csv
AK212-LTER-35_model.csv 320 Bytes text/csv
bNMR_model_dictionary.csv 376 Bytes text/csv


Data were collected to quantify the belowground impacts of fire on permafrost in boreal landscapes.

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