65. Zhu, Zhiliang, and Stackpoole, Sarah, 2011, Assessing carbon stocks, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse-gas fluxes in ecosystems of the United States under present conditions and future scenarios: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011-3007, 2 p. http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2011/3007/.
The Biologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment Program (LandCarbon) is designed to support the following goals: Assess the current and potential carbon balance (stocks and fluxes) in major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems Evaluate the effects of both natural and anthropogenic driving forces on ecosystem carbon balance and greenhouse gas fluxes Develop carbon monitoring methods and capabilities Conduct research and provide science support for increasing carbon sequestration in land management policies and practices The LandCarbon Community serves as a content management system for the LandCarbon Data Portal. This Data Portal is an effort to catalog and provide access to data and information from a range of LandCarbon projects. The [...]
The Biologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment Program (LandCarbon) is designed to support the following goals:
Assess the current and potential carbon balance (stocks and fluxes) in major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
Evaluate the effects of both natural and anthropogenic driving forces on ecosystem carbon balance and greenhouse gas fluxes
Develop carbon monitoring methods and capabilities
Conduct research and provide science support for increasing carbon sequestration in land management policies and practices
The LandCarbon Community serves as a content management system for the LandCarbon Data Portal. This Data Portal is an effort to catalog and provide access to data and information from a range of LandCarbon projects. The Data Portal will leverage ScienceBase services and search and filtering tools to facilitate public access to project information and data managed through ScienceBase.