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Workshops and Collaborations to Improve Biodiversity and Climate Modeling

Biodiversity and Climate Modeling Workshop Series


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As our world changes and communities are faced with uncertain future climate conditions, decision making and resource planning efforts can often no longer rely on historic scientific data alone. Scientific projections of what might be expected in the future are increasingly needed across the country and around the world. Scientists and researchers can develop these projections by using computer models to simulate complex elements of our climate and their interactions with ecosystems, wildlife, and biodiversity. While an extensive array of general circulation models (GCMs, climate models of the general circulation of the atmosphere and ocean) exist, there is currently a lack of global biodiversity models. This project aims to bring [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Douglas Beard
Co-Investigator :
Stephen T Jackson, Mike Harfoot, Derek P. Tittensor
Cooperator/Partner :
Bonnie J Myers, Sarah R Weiskopf
Funding Agency :
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“King Range National Conservation Area - Credit: Bob Wick, BLM”
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The lack of global biodiversity models compared to the extensive array of general circulation models provides a unique opportunity to bring together climate, ecosystem, and biodiversity modeling experts to promote development of integrated approaches in modeling global biodiversity. Improved models are needed to understand how we are progressing towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, many of which are not on track to meet the 2020 goal, threatening global biodiversity conservation, monitoring, and sustainable use. In addition, the scenarios and modeling summary from the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) identifies needs for global ecosystem and biodiversity models that will be necessary for the first IPBES global biodiversity assessment. Collaborative approaches between biodiversity and global climate modeling communities could provide lessons learned to advance biodiversity models and improve each community’s approaches to forecasting change, as well as tighten the linkages between these models as we move towards a complete biosphere – climate – human modeling system. This purpose of the workshop series is to bring together ecosystem, biodiversity, and climate modelers via a series of in-person workshops and virtual discussions to 1) identify lessons learned (both qualitative and quantitative) from climate models to be applied to large-scale terrestrial biodiversity models, 2) to explore NASA and other remote sensing products to assist in global biodiversity and ecosystem models and 3) to address and build on gaps and data needs (e.g., finer scale ecological and evolutionary processes) previously identified by IPBES that are necessary to inform the IPBES global assessment and to provide insight on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and sustainable development goals.

Project Extension


King Range National Conservation Area - Credit: Bob Wick, BLM
King Range National Conservation Area - Credit: Bob Wick, BLM


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • North Central CASC
  • Southwest CASC

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