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A THREE-STEP DECISION SUPPORT FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE ADAPTATION: Selecting Climate-Informed Conservation Goals and Strategies for Native Salmonids in the Northern U.S. Rockies


2017-02-13 18:14:04
Last Update
2017-10-19 20:24:34


Molly Cross(Author), Regan Nelson(Author), Lara Hansen(Author), Gary Tabor(Author), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2017-02-13(creation), 2017-10-19(lastUpdate), 2017-01-11(Acquisition), A THREE-STEP DECISION SUPPORT FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE ADAPTATION: Selecting Climate-Informed Conservation Goals and Strategies for Native Salmonids in the Northern U.S. Rockies


Summary The impact of climate change on cold-water ecosystems—and the cold-adapted native salmonids present in these systems—is the subject of a substantial body of research.. Recently, scientists have developed a number of datasets and analyses that provide insight into projections of climate change effects on native salmonid populations in the northern U.S. Rockies region. Alongside this research, a number of management options for helping native salmonids respond to the effects of climate change—also known as ‘climate adaptation’ strategies and actions—have been identified by scientists and managers in the region. These analyses and climate adaptation options offer valuable information to managers charged with making difficult decisions [...]


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