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Final Report: Informing Adaptation Strategies for Maintaining Landscape Connectivity for Northern Rockies Wildlife


2016-12-29 00:00:00
Acquisition Date
2016-12-15 10:01:00


Meredith McClure, Bray Beltran, and Steven W Hostetler, Final Report: Informing Adaptation Strategies for Maintaining Landscape Connectivity for Northern Rockies Wildlife: .


Establishing connections among natural landscapes is the most frequently recommended strategy for adapting management of natural resources in response to climate change. The U.S. Northern Rockies still support a full suite of native wildlife, and survival of these populations depends on connected landscapes. Connected landscapes support current migration and dispersal as well as future shifts in species ranges that will be necessary for species to adapt to our changing climate. Working in partnership with state and federal resource managers and private land trusts, we sought to: understand how future climate change may alter habitat composition of landscapes expected to serve as important connections for wildlife, estimate how wildlife [...]

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