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Pesticide datasets from the National Water Quality Laboratory, 2001-2016


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Riskin, M.L., ReVello, R.C., Coffey, L.J., Sandstrom, M.W., Medalie, L., and Stineman-Lederer, S., 2019, Pesticide datasets from the National Water Quality Laboratory, 2001-2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release includes all pesticide results from selected batches of water samples analyzed by the U.S Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL). Samples were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) or liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LCMS) methods. Eight datasets are included in this data release; 1) all environmental and field quality control (QC) results for 11 pesticide compounds from 70 selected batches of GCMS data from schedules 2001, 2003, 2032, and 2033 (Sandstrom and others, 2001; Zaugg and others, 1995) from May 2001-June 2015, 2) all environmental and field QC results for 10 pesticide compounds from 43 selected batches of LCMS data from schedule 2060 (Furlong and others, [...]


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Original FGDC Metadata

81.62 KB application/fgdc+xml
USGS_GCMS_Pesticides_BB.csv 4.11 MB text/csv
USGS_GCMS_Pesticides_BS.csv 779.66 KB text/csv
USGS_GCMS_Pesticides_Environmental.csv 3.86 MB text/csv
USGS_GCMS_Pesticides_Set-BlankResults.csv 44.1 MB text/csv
USGS_LCMS_Pesticides_BB.csv 642.21 KB text/csv
USGS_LCMS_Pesticides_BS.csv 433 KB text/csv
USGS_LCMS_Pesticides_Environmental.csv 3.49 MB text/csv
USGS_LCMS_Pesticides_Set-BlankResults.csv 12.83 MB text/csv


The purpose of this data release is to provide and describe the data used as the foundation for the statistical data analysis and interpretations in the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report by Medalie and others, 2019 ( These data provide information on various types of quality control and environmental data for 21 selected pesticide compounds analyzed in water samples by the NWQL in Denver, Colorado. The publication of the set blank data provided in this data release is the first time that such a comprehensive set of quality control data from the NWQL has been made available to the public.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F70G3HN9

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