FY2014The goals for the project are
1) Develop a Walker River Vision document which will include Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of the traditional plants, wildlife, fish and water located on the reservation and traditional hunting/ gathering areas of the Agai Dicutta Numa (Walker River Paiutes) for use in future resource management planning and cultural sustainability..2) Develop a pilot project along the Walker River on the reservation by planting willows and other traditional plants to determine best practices for re-vegetation.
This project will focus on GBLCC Goal 2: Focus science and management actions to sustain natural resources in the context of changing environmental conditions.
The proposed project directly relates to the Objective: Identify and facilitate the development, integration, and application of social and natural scientific information needed to informal water, land, fish, wildlife, and cultural heritage management decisions. The Tribe has vast Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the local area relating to plants, wildlife, fish and water. Due to the rapid rate of climate change and the impacts it has had on our reservation and gathering areas, the Tribe has not been able to keep up with the changes. Through this project, the Tribe will gather TEK, identify and catalog traditional foods, plants, fish and wildlife and put it in a Vision document that will be the framework and mission for natural resource management. In addition, the Tribe will do an on-the-ground pilot project to re-vegetate a small area along the Walker River on the reservation.