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Suspended Sediment and Water Temperature Data in the Sauk River, Washington, Water Years 2012-16


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Curran, C.A., Foreman, J.R., and Payne, K.P., 2017, Suspended sediment and water temperature data in the Sauk River, Washington, water years 2012-16: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Sauk River, a fedrally designated Wild and Scenic River, is one of the few large glacier-fed rivers in western Washington that is unconstrained by dams and drains a relatively pristine landscape which includes Glacier Peak, a glaciated stratovolcano. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a 5-year study (2012-2016 water years) of suspended-sediment and water temperature monitoring for the purpose of determining suspended-sediment loads and identifying sediment production regimes and associated seasonality of sediment transport. Monitoring occurred at three USGS streamgages on the Sauk River, including two long-term gages with more than 90 years of continuous record and a new gage installed for the purpose of the study. Turbidity [...]


Point of Contact :
Christopher A Curran
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
Washington Water Science Center
Originator :
Christopher A Curran, James R Foreman, Karen L Payne

Attached Files

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Original FGDC Metadata

30.89 KB application/fgdc+xml
Water_temperature_12187500.csv 33.69 KB text/csv
Water_temperature_12186000.csv 33.07 KB text/csv
Water_temperature_12189500.csv 41.56 KB text/csv
Confluence of Sauk and Suiattle Rivers Aug. 5,2014.jpg thumbnail 873.42 KB image/jpeg
SSC_15min_12189500.csv 7.06 MB text/csv
SSC_15min_12186000.csv 5.31 MB text/csv
SSC_15min_12187500.csv 4.09 MB text/csv
SSL_daily_12189500.csv 36.58 KB text/csv
SSL_daily_12186000.csv 31.86 KB text/csv
SSL_daily_12187500.csv 33.68 KB text/csv


This data release provides suspended-sediment (concentration and load) and water temperature data for a glacier-fed river in Washington State for water years 2012-2016.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F77S7MNB

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