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Final Report FWS F13AS00164 FY13: An Ecosystem Conservation Assessment for the lower San Pedro Watershed in Arizona

Product of An Ecosystem Conservation Assessment for the lower San Pedro Watershed in Arizona


2017-08-24 17:56:39
Last Update
2017-09-06 15:39:55
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2013-10-01 06:00:00
End Date
2014-10-01 05:59:59


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Scott Wilbor(Principal Investigator), Lower San Pedro Watershed Alliance(Cooperator/Partner), Salt River Project(Cooperator/Partner), San Pedro Natural Resource Conservation Districts (Redington and Winkelman)(Cooperator/Partner), The Nature Conservancy(Cooperator/Partner), US FWS - National Refuges Program(Cooperator/Partner), 2017-08-24(creation), 2017-09-06(lastUpdate), 2013-06-15(Start), 2014-07-01(End), Final Report FWS F13AS00164 FY13: An Ecosystem Conservation Assessment for the lower San Pedro Watershed in Arizona,


University of Arizona will conduct an ecosystem conservation assessment for the lower San Pedro (LSP) watershed. The assessment will provide a science-based strategic design for prioritizing where conservation efforts are most needed for high-value biodiversity conservation at the landscape-level and offer insights on conservation actions practical for implementation. The assessment will include an evaluation of high-value biodiversity, hydro-ecological processes, protected areas, landscape connectivity, and climate change adaptation. The study will suggest approaches for developing a new conservation framework for watershed conservation planning.


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Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Distributor)


This study will achieve an ecosystem conservation assessment for the lower San Pedro (LSP) watershed. The assessment will provide a science-based strategic design for prioritizing where conservation efforts are most needed for high-value biodiversity conservation at the landscape level and offer insights on conservation actions practical for implementation. The assessment will include an evaluation of high-value biodiversity, hydro-ecological processes, protected areas, landscape connectivity, and climate change adaptation. The study will suggest approaches for developing a new conservation framework for watershed conservation planning.

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