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User Guide: Creating Climate Smart HCPs


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Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Jennifer Hoffman(Principal Investigator), Aimee Roberson(Cooperator/Partner), Dan Cox(Cooperator/Partner), Mary Mahaffy(Cooperator/Partner), Rebecca Fris(Cooperator/Partner), Todd Hopkins(Cooperator/Partner), User Guide: Creating Climate Smart HCPs,


Incorporating climate change into conservation and resource management planning is rapidly becoming a standard of practice, both because of mandates from above (e.g. court cases) and because planners and managers want to do a good job and avoid nasty surprises. There is much of guidance out there for climate smart conservation and planning, both generic and sector-specific. This quick guide is not intended to replicate those, nor to provide everything you need to do a climate smart HCP. The intent is to help users to:1. Understand why it’s important to “ask the climate question” when it comes to HCPs.2. Make users informed consumers of climate change information and expertise. 3. Provide a logic users can follow to justify decisions [...]

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  • Quick Guide: Creating Climate Smart HCPs


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urn:uuid urn:uuid 2b54b041-360c-45ae-8da4-2d52a3754e1d

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