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Adult Passage


The Lamprey Technical Workgroup (LTWG) was tasked with developing passage objectives and related performance standards and measures for Pacific lamprey at dams in 2007. The Passage Standards Subgroup was formed to address the inherent challenges with establishing such metrics. The subgroup devised a plan to approach this task that involved breaking the work into three phases as follows: 1. Phase One: Identify potential research metrics that quantify indirect or direct effects on survival and fitness of juvenile and adult Pacific lamprey related to up- or downstream passage. 2. Phase Two: Determine which of the above-listed metrics are measurable with scientific rigor and quantify effects of biological relevance. 3. Phase Three: [...]

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  • Pacific Lamprey Data Clearinghouse
  • Pacific Region, Region 1
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)


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