Maps of fish biodiversity and imperilment in California
Publication Date
Peter Moyle(Principal Investigator), California Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), California Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2016-01-01(Publication), Maps of fish biodiversity and imperilment in California,
Maps have been generated to detail the current and historical biodiversity (no. of species per HUC 12) and imperilment (no. of species existing/no. of species historically * 100 per HUC12) for the entire state. Data is being combined with data for invertebrates and a larger set of maps will be published in 2015-16.
Maps have been generated to detail the current and historical biodiversity (no. of species per HUC 12) and imperilment (no. of species existing/no. of species historically * 100 per HUC12) for the entire state. Data is being combined with data for invertebrates and a larger set of maps will be published in 2015-16.