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Climate Change in the Bering Strait Region


Publication Date
Time span for which resource(report) is relevant. final reports and presentations
Time span for which resource(report) is relevant. final reports and presentations


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium(Cooperator/Partner), James Berner(Cooperator/Partner), Karen A Murphy(administrator), Michael Brubaker(Principal Investigator), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), Kawerak, Inc.(Cooperator/Partner), 2015-03-31(Publication), Climate Change in the Bering Strait Region,,


The environment is rapidly changing and global warming brings impacts to all forms of life. This report is about the effects of a changing climate on the human environment and changes to communities and peoples’ lives. The best measures of change are the observations of people who live and work here, travel the trails, watch the weather, and harvest food from the land and sea. By listening, we learn the nature of the changes that are occurring, and gain insight into the causes and specific implications to people and the adaptations that are being developed and used every day. People of the Bering Strait are excellent observers of environmental change because of their local knowledge and expertise about the weather, wildlife, natural [...]


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Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Data Owner)

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